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Duane Dichiara

All The King’s Men

Ron Nehring having been elected to the Chairmanship of the California Republican Party, the Chairman’s seat for the San Diego Republican Party has opened. In past weeks in various meetings and over the weekend at the GOP Convention, the whispers and commitments began in full force between potential candidates, committeemembers, and elected officials.

As of yesterday there were two strong candidates: Tony Krvaric (pictured to the left) and Mike McSweeney. Both are Party stalwarts with a commitment to the organization that has been built over the last several years. Both have the confidence of donors, officials, and activists. 

At last night’s committee meeting (like the weekend wasn’t enough) however, Mr. McSweeney (pictured right) asked the Chairman for a few minutes to address the committee, and in a heartfelt speech told the assembled delegates why he would not be running for the slot. His honesty, and his past and present service to the committee, drew a standing ovation. 

The election will be held at the March GOP meeting. McSweeney’s actions give Krvaric’s campaign a significant advantage over any challengers that I can think of right off the bat. All the same, look for Krvaric to have his campaign apparatus in full swing for the next four weeks.

One Response to “All The King’s Men”

  1. Says:

    Haven’t we had enough of the “Boys Network”? With Chairman Nehring’s promotion, and our First Vice Chairman taking himself out of running, how about Warene Wall? Warene has been a great leader for the SD GOP, and clearly has the ability and the contacts to really serve us well. Tony is a good man, but we need a seasoned, respected leader.