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Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego…Notes from the Convention

Ode to Fleischman… I mistakenly believed that at some point in life I would become old enough (perhaps even responsible enough) to actually pass a night at a Republican Party convention with a good night’s sleep.  Some things never change.

It is with firsthand experience that I can now tell you the down-side of staying in Jon Fleischman’s hotel suite at a California Republican Party convention.  Not that Jon will always have a suite of rooms, but in this case he did, so I accepted his gracious offer to stake a claim.  The disadvantage is that regardless of the hour in the morning I had planned to arise by my own volition via a front desk wake up call, I instead was awakened at 5 a.m. by the soft but persistent tap-tap-tap of the notebook keyboard as Saturday’s FlashReport was being compiled.  The show, apparently, must go on…regardless of my needs.

As has already been posted, a big congratulations to Jon for handily winning the California Republican Party’s vice chairman south position yesterday in Sacramento.  Jon honored me by asking if I would join Orange County Republican Party Chairman Scott Baugh and Riverside County GOP Chairman Jeff Miller by placing his name in nomination.

Jon did an excellent job of lining up a slew of legislative endorsements…and then with the able assistance of Brandon Powers ensured those in support of his candidacy were at the convention and prepared to vote.  And, how do you ensure folks are up on Saturday morning and ready to vote?  Easy…host a 7:30 a.m. breakfast for your supporters with speakers such as Senator Tom McClintock and Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner, then after filling their stomachs, send them across to the convention hall to cast ballots.

The breakfast was a great success, with attendees including Senator Dick Ackerman, Assemblymembers Chuck DeVore, Mike Duvall, Bill Emmerson, Van Tran and Mimi Walters, and Orange County Supervisor-Elect Trung Nguyen.  Both Poizner and McClintock gave great speeches in support of Fleischman, with keynote McClintock rousing the attendees with a call for the party returning to its core values.

One consultant was heard to call the Fleischman campaign “scary flawless.”  Enough said.

The McClintock speech… Tom’s comments Saturday morning were outstanding, including these nuggets:

An outgoing party leader said yesterday that the next four years were an “opportunity to redefine who we are as Republicans.”  I have news for him.  We don’t need to re-define our principles – we need to return to them.  And that’s exactly what we’re going to do this weekend.

I’ve heard it said, “Don’t you Republicans realize you’re in the minority and you just have to accept the policies of the majority party?”  Why should we – those policies have led us to this tragic moment in our history when despite record levels of spending – we can’t seem to scrape together enough money to build a decent road system or educate our kids or protect our families from predators.

To these defeatists and naysayers, I say: I don’t accept the status quo and I sure as hell don’t accept the proposition that for Republicans to succeed we just have to adopt the positions of the Democrats.

Read the entire speech, including the tribute to Jon, here at McC’s carepublic website.

Being Scene… Politicos from San Diego (or representing the county) running around the convention Friday and Saturday: Freshmen Assemblymen Joel Anderson and Martin Garrick, seemingly having taken no breath since November (they probably haven’t)…Senator Dennis Hollingsworth (with wife Natalie) and Senate candidate/Assemblywoman Mimi WaltersCarl DeMaio, the City of San Diego’s version of McClintock was on hand as he gears up for a potential (probable?) run to replace a terming-out Councilman Brian MaienscheinNathan Fletcher (and wife Mindy, of course), not in USMC cammies but every part looking the front-runner for the 75th A.D…Chula Vista Councilman John McCann with wife Missy—is John eyeing the Shirley Horton seat with County Supe Greg Cox out and a host of likely Dems in?

Also, Mark Wyland and his District Director Paul Webster—with Paul sporting a recent buzz cut I could barely tell him and the Senator apart, short of the height difference of course…newly minted (and fairly recent Republican) San Marcos Mayor Jim Desmond and long-term San Marcos Councilmember Mike Preston…stalwart Oceanside Councilman Jack Feller…former State Senator Larry Stirling…a smattering of local electeds, such as Frank Hilliker (Lakeside Water Board) and school trustees Bill Baber (La Mesa-Spring Valley), Darlene Hansen (San Pasqual), Doug Metz (Coronado), and Jim Kelly (Grossmont Union)…SD GOP officers Gary Felien, Tony Krvaric, Michael McSweeney and Warene Wall—will any emerge the successor to SD County Republican Chairman Ron Nehring?

Lastly, I wanted to give a shout out and good luck to Katie Hansen, who announced her campaign for chair of the Young Republican Federation of California (she’s currently the YRFC national committeewoman).  

OK, those are a few of the "titled" folks I saw…I think…I may have missed some…I’m not perfect, but I did always want to be the Burl Stiff of the San Diego GOP.

Have a great week!

2 Responses to “Sunday San Diego…Notes from the Convention”

  1. Says:

    Having once been a housemate to Barry (late 80s), all I can say is what’s the problem Barry?? Let me paraphrase what Barry posted: “It is with firsthand experience that I can now tell you the down-side of staying in Barry Jantz’s house…” I can remember Barry staying up late at night-early in the morning, making his many political related phone calls (many to Jon-apparently nothing changes!!). Luckily, my bedroom door didn’t have a hole in it like our other housemate’s did.

    I must add that my real political awakening occurred while living with Barry. Thanks for the memories!

  2. Says:

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. I also rc’d this from a reporter I will leave anonymous:

    “I feel your pain. I learned a long time ago never to stay at the convention hotel. It’s nice and quiet over here at the Sheraton. I don’t have to wait in line for an elevator. The elevator doesn’t stop at every floor because of all the freeloaders working the hospitality suites. And there’s no party of drunken Yaffers in the next room at 4 a.m. Cheers.”

    Ok, fine you guys. Touché