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Mike Spence

CRP Secrecy Breeds Disunity

On the executive conference call last Wed. I tried frantically to get the various phones in my house to work the code so I could ask a question. They never worked. But, it didn’t matter. The spin machine of the CRP is in full gear. One of the interesting things mentioned by Chairman Sundheim was that donors don’t like the disunity caused by blogs and emails talking about the CRP etc..

I doubt they like a party in debt without accountabilty either. But, for sake of the argument how do we acheive unity?

If it was truly important to the party, we would have an audit. We would ask all 1600 memebrs of the state party to come to a meeting and explain what happened. This is how we spent the money, these are things in place so it doesn’t happen again etc… In other words The CRP be open with us about what is going on. Communication.

What the CRP members get is stonewalling, half-truths and excuses.

May the new CRP leadership be open and honest with the membership.

2 Responses to “CRP Secrecy Breeds Disunity”

  1. Says:


    I want to applaud you and the others who are trying to hold those accountable. I find it incredibly disheartening to read some of the very pointed concerns that have been broached lately and going back to the campaign regarding the funding of anti-Prop 90 mailers, etc.

    However, I find it even more incredible that instead of getting answers and clarity, we get stonewalling and spin.

    I know it will be cliche to say: But, I expect more from our party.

  2. Says:

    “May the new CRP leadership be open and honest with the membership.”

    And may bacon and ham become kosher.