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Barry Jantz

First Sac Bee Foretells Today

In case you missed it, the Sacramento Bee turned 150 on Saturday.  The first edition, published February 3, 1857, marked a transition from the prior paper, the California American.  In that first SacBee, founder James McClatchy wrote this gem:

They (the "conductors" of both papers) have too long seen the evils which have crept into all the party organizations of this State, not to feel fully aware of the dignity and the power of an independent position.  In the Democratic party they have seen, too often, bad men supremely dominant, and using the party as an instrument for executing the most selfish of purposes, regardless of the honor of the State or the happiness of the people.  They have seen the American organizations crushed beneath the weight of corruption which it was compelled to bear, in the persons of men who thrust themselves forward as the friends of reform, when they were in fact the most loathesome moral and political lepers, that ever tainted the atmosphere of the world with their presence.  They have seen all parties more or less cursed with the influence of such men, and they have resolved to stand aloof from such disgusting affiliations.

Need I write more?  Perhaps no…but, depending on how one looks at things, this could just as easily describe the Democratic Party of today.  Or, it could define exactly why Republicans lost the House in 2006.  Maybe even both.