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Jon Fleischman

Lynn Daucher tapped to head California Department of Aging

A dual congratulations this afternoon.  First we would like to congratulate former Assemblywoman Lynn Daucher for being named by Governor Schwarzenegger to head of the California Department of Aging.

"But Jon, What is the Department of Aging," you ask?

Here’s what they tell us:  As the designated State Unit on Aging, the California Department of Aging is part of the California Health and Human Services Agency.  The Department administers Older Americans Act programs for supportive services, in-home services, congregate and home-delivered meals and a system of multipurpose senior centers.  It also administers the program for community service employment; programs for advocacy and protection; and programs which provide health insurance counseling, case management, Alzheimer’s Day Care Resource Center and Adult Day Health Care services.  Further, it performs a wide range of functions related to advocacy, planning, coordination, interagency linkages, information sharing, brokering, monitoring and evaluation.  In its activities, the Department works closely with private and public sector aging advocates.

The other congratulations?  Oh, that one goes to the Governor, for choosing a fine person for this position – capable AND Republican.  Two criteria he should use for every senior level appointment.