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Mike Spence

CRP Debt: Show Me The Infrastructure!

The CRP can’t show us the money because of they are over $4.5 million debt. One of the most recent attempts to explain the debt is that the millions spent were an investment in infrastructure. See here.
This is not a new approach to things. The CRP did officially support two bond measures last election cycle (and of course supported one without approval). The stories coming out now about how little will be accomplished by the bonds begs the question for the CRP.
Where is the infrastructure? I can’t figure it out. The paid staff has been released. The call centers are shut down. A couple County Chairs thought they were going to get some of the scanners etc… Turns out most of the equipment turns out to have been leased.
The party claims to have registered around 125,000 voters (At a devastating cost to local programs. See here.), but has yet to turn over all the names to the counties.
The party claims to have recruited between 40,000-70,000 volunteers. Of course some of these are the people that always volunteer. They were passing out volunteer sign up cards at Republican Women’s meeting. As if they wouldn’t have volunteered with that card.
Now there are probably some volunteers we didn’t know about. So with closed headquarters and no staff we are keeping them active how?? The debt forced the early shutdown of the County Executive Director Program. So how are the counties to do it?? Did they ever get the names??
In other words. What Infrastructure??
Not only should the CRP detail for the members how they spent all this money and got in to debt. The CRP should list all the “assets” acquired through this deficit spending.