Just a few minutes ago, I got off of the phone with a very excited Julie Soderlund. Those in the media, and anyone who followed the Gubernatorial Campaign of Arnold Schwarzenegger know that Julie (pictured to the right) served as the Governor’s Press Secretary for his re-election effort. In that capacity, I got to deal with Julie quite a bit. I can assure all FR readers that she is a really great communicator, and a consumate professional.
Julie was sharing the news that she has decided to take the leap into the private sector, becoming the managing director of Wilson-Miller Communications. The "Wilson" is Marty Wilson, who is a chief political advisor and fundraising coordinator for Governor Schwarzenegger (he played a similar role with former Governor Pete Wilson), and the "Miller" is Beth Miller, whom I have know for many years, and who has a long history of working for GOP candidates and causus.
As we follow such things, Julie’s jump to the private sector was preceded by Schwarzenegger Campaign Manager Steve Schmidt’s departure to become a partner with Mercury Consulting (he has famously become a consultant for GOP Presidential candidate John McCain) and Arnold’s Campaign Communications Director Katie Levinson’s departure to become a senior communications advisor to GOP Presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani.
Here’s what Julie had to tell me as she shared her enthusiasm about her new endeaver, "I’m really looking forward to beginning this next chapter in my career and to working with Marty and Beth. Both of them have an immense amount of public affairs experience. It a great opportunity and I’m looking forward to getting started."
Of course, congrats go to Marty and Beth — they’ve substantially enhanced their team by bringing Julie onboard!

January 26th, 2007 at 12:00 am
Jon..you keep missing or failing to mention that Sarah Simmons…one of the bright stars (if not the brightest) also went to McCain…she never blew her own horn…flew in formation…and I know Schmidt counted on her advice heavily…she is worth of a mention when you write about the kids who went off to become famous….steve? well I just hope he loses those hideous pink shirts….ugh.