Ensuring Accountability on Infrastructure Spending Yesterday, I stood with Governor Schwarzenegger as he signed an executive order making state officials accountable for how they spend the $42.7 billion infrastructure bond package approved by the voters. While many of us had concerns with the bonds in the past, now is the time to ensure accountability and transparency.
With the stroke of a pen, Governor Schwarzenegger acted decisively to ensure that these critical infrastructure dollars be spent exactly as the voters intended — easing traffic congestion on overcrowded roadways, strengthening flood control protections, building new schools and modernizing existing campuses.
Ensuring that this massive investment in California’s infrastructure future is spent responsibly and efficiently is a top priority for Assembly Republicans. That’s why I was pleased to stand with the Governor to put taxpayers first. Now we will know exactly which projects received bond funds, how those projects were selected and how much was spent. These actions will finally hold the bureaucracy accountable to the taxpayers.
Assembly Republicans are ready to work alongside the Governor to ensure that the Legislature now does its job. We must work together to stretch vital infrastructure dollars to their fullest, while eliminating any unnecessary roadblocks that will delay completion of important projects. We also remain committed to passing common-sense measures such as pay-as-you-go, public-private partnerships and CEQA reform.
I hope my colleagues will embrace the recommendations made this week by the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst on how the state can most efficiently spend the infrastructure bonds. California would be well-served if lawmakers adopt many of the reforms suggested by the Analyst, such as allowing greater use of design-build methods in road construction projects, limiting administrative costs, ensuring better coordination between agencies and funding projects through the annual state budget process.
Most importantly, Republicans will fight hard to ensure bond funds are allocated fairly and quickly. California’s cities and counties have their own unique infrastructure challenges, and it is vital that they receive the funding they need to strengthen their communities. Voters did not approve this massive bond package to be spent on pork projects in lawmakers’ districts, or to be picked clean by projects in Los Angeles and San Francisco. Lawmakers must ensure that rural areas are not shortchanged and receive their fair share of infrastructure bond funds, as well.
Protecting the interests of our state’s hard-working taxpayers is our job. The Governor deserves credit for showing leadership on this issue and we will roll up our sleeves to provide accountability in the system. Assembly Republicans are the last line of defense for taxpayers and we will ensure the people’s money is spent on the projects they intended.
Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines, of Clovis, represents the 29th Assembly District in the California Legislature.