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Jon Fleischman

Strickland weighs in for Tom Del Becarro

On Monday I featured a letter from Assemblyman Chuck DeVore advocating Tom Bordonaro for Vice Chairman of the California Republican Party.  Below, Tony Strickland weighs in on behalf of another candidate, Tom Del Becarro…

Dear California Republican Party Member,

As you know, CRP elections are approaching.  Please join me as well as seven past CRP Chairs, over forty past and present County Chairs and more than 1000 party activists around the State in endorsing Tom Del Beccaro for CRP Vice Chair. 

No one has worked harder for our benefit than Tom Del Beccaro nor will someone work harder in the future.  For instance:

– Tom, at his own expense, made over 200 appearances and speeches in support of our cause around California in just the last three years.  He visits large counties like Los Angeles and San Diego, as well as small counties including Tehama, Amador, Merced, Kings, San Benito, Sierra and many more.  In doing so, he has been known to drive eight hours in one day just to help at a one-hour event.

– Tom helps both large and small county Chairs.  Lois Jackson of Amador says that Tom “was a tremendous help to me and our Committee.” According to Scott Feller of Del Norte, Tom “demonstrates an ability to solve problems, not create them. Our party needs that now more than ever.”

– Tom works hard to build the grassroots of the Party to ensure greater turn out.  Republican Women’s Federated Past Statewide Chair Lois Godfrey says that: “Tom is always there to lend a helping hand and understands how important our volunteers are to the overall success of the Republican Party.” 

I know Tom’s dedication first hand.  This past year, Tom worked tirelessly to help down ticket candidates.  Down the election stretch, when things got tough:

– Tom repeatedly obtained invaluable free media for our candidates including time for Richard Pombo, Tom McClintock, Steve Poizner, Chuck Poochigian and myself on talk radio to help us deliver our message.

– Tom personally organized fundraisers for me and other Republican candidates.

– When asked by our Party, Tom joined others and agreed to take on Jerry Brown by filing the lawsuit declaring Brown ineligible for Attorney General.  Taking on the most popular Democrat in the state is no easy task. I wish Tom well on the February 9th case hearing and applaud his courage.

Beyond his hard work, Tom is unquestionably a great spokesman for our Party.  When I consider who I would want to debate the opposition, Tom Del Beccaro is my first choice. Indeed, Tom has made countless Media appearances in the difficult San Francisco Bay Area market.  His speeches are a hit throughout the state. According to Heather Peters, “Tom gives speeches up and down the state in front of groups as diverse as the Women’s Federated, College Republicans, donors, phone bank volunteers and convention attendees.  He has never failed to inspire his audiences to redouble their commitment to the GOP.”  An Orange County Register reporter wrote:  "There’s this bright, young guy running around the state who will appeal to lots of young voters. Someone to keep an eye on."

I am also impressed with Tom’s intellect and strategic thinking; he understands where policy intersects politics.  Tom’s editorials on his first-of-its-kind are essential reading for those who care about our State and Country.

Tom set forth his plans for the CRP’s future in great detail.  In the following series of articles, he laid out his vision for the Party:  A Road Map to Republican Success in CA, Addressing the CRP Voter Registration Challenge, CRP Fundraising, Moving Forward in 2007 & Beyond, and The Market Share: A case for CRP support of counties.

Sometimes in politics candidates are told to avoid details and make only general appeals for support.  However, our Party needs real solutions.  I applaud Tom as the only candidate willing to tell us exactly where he thinks we should go.  I support his proposals as the best way to move our Party in the right direction.

Tom has done this while putting his law practice virtually on hold.  I simply don’t know what more we could have asked from him during these last two years.

We need Tom fighting for us these next two years.  His track record proves that he will do it. 

If you haven’t already endorsed Tom, please do so now. Thank you for your support.


Tony Strickland
2006 Republican Candidate for Controller
Former Assembly Republican Caucus Chairman