Assemblyman Chuck DeVore sent me his thoughts on the CRP Vice-Chairman’s race, asking that I share it with FR readers. I thought about it a bit, as the FR is not supporting a specific candidate between the three contenders – Tom Del Beccaro, Tom Bordonaro and Jalene Forbis. But I decided to go ahead and print DeVore’s piece, and I have invited the other candidates, if they have a similar ‘third party supporter’ who wants to e-mail something to get posted, they could do so as well. So, here is DeVore’s take:Why I support Tom Bordonaro for CRP Vice Chairman
I have been attending California Republican Party (CRP) conventions for the past 25 years. I care very deeply about our state Party’s leadership. Leadership matters. Leadership sets the tone.
As a lieutenant colonel in the Army National Guard and an aerospace industry executive, I’ve witnessed all kinds of leaders and their styles. I’ve observed that leaders come in one of two different types: the servant leader or the hierarchical leader.
The servant leader personally lives the maxim that those who would lead must first serve. The servant leader is humble. They understand that a leader’s role is to serve the organization and its goals; to empower its people to be successful.
The hierarchical leader demands top-down obedience. Success is important, not necessarily for the organization, but in the furtherance of the leader’s own reputation and legacy.
In any grassroots-oriented organization, such as the CRP, true servant leadership will bring out the best, while inward-looking hierarchical leadership will hobble the organization.
I believe Tom Bordonaro is the sort of servant leader that the CRP must have for success. His compelling life’s story is filled with enough crushing adversity for 10 lives. Yet this adversity has built a rock-solid character coupled with a deep humility – two key ingredients common to most great servant leaders.
Wheelchair-bound since a near-fatal auto accident at age 18 years old when his car was struck by an out of control tractor trailer, Tom has had to work hard to accomplish things most of us take for granted. In spite of his physical limitations, Tom went on to get his college degree, then a masters, as he managed his family’s cattle ranch and vineyards.
Tom was elected to the State Assembly in 1994 and earned a reputation as a productive AND principled lawmaker. He co-authored tax-cuts saving billions of dollars for Californians while stimulating investment and creating jobs. Tom was tapped by Governor Pete Wilson to serve as a Commissioner on the California Board of Prison Terms in 1998. Then, in 2002, Tom ran for the office of Assessor of San Luis Obispo County, winning against a 26-year incumbent. He was reelected without opposition in 2006.
Tom has consistently remained engaged as a volunteer for the Republican Party. He is an active member of his county Republican Party central committee where he served as Chairman from 2000 to 2004 and again in 2007 while serving a two year stint as treasurer from 2005 through 2006.
Tom and his wife Martha have four children: Francesca, Anthony, William and Marc.
I support Tom Bordonaro for CRP Vice Chairman and I urge you to do so as well. Additional information on Tom may be seen at his website at:
All the best,
Chuck DeVore
State Assemblyman, 70th District