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Jon Fleischman

AppointmentWatch: Gov Appoints 12 Reps, 5 Dems, 4 DTS

Today the Governor made 21 more appointments into State Government — 12 Republicans, 5 Democrats and 4 Decline-To-State (we hope this is more of a trend…):

  • Scott Matthew Cox, 38, of Sacramento, Integrated Waste Management Board. 
  • Michael Denunzio, 69, of San Francisco, California Commission on Aging. 
  • Jaime Fall, 41, of Elk Grove, Labor and Workforce Development Agency.
  • Andrea Guillen Dutton, 54, of Rancho Cucamonga, Board of Registered Nursing. 
  • David Hodgin, 74, of Scotts Valley, Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board.
  • A. Stanley Kubochi, 59, of Sacramento, Board of Parole Hearings.
  • Leslie LaManna, 50, of San Diego, Board of Accountancy.
  • Janice Oliphant, 71, of Indian Wells, Mount San Jacinto Winter Park Authority.
  • Susan Ritschel, 45, of San Clemente, San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board.
  • B. Dean Shelton, 70, of Fair Oaks, Gambling Control Commission.
  • Donna Ueland, 60, of Fresno, California Commission on Aging.
  • Jeffrey Wyly, 26, of Thousand Oaks, Labor and Workforce Development Agency.

  • Eddie Lang, Jr., 65, of Rancho Cordova, Contractors’ State License Board.
  • Renee Lonner, 64, of Van Nuys, Board of Behavioral Sciences.
  • Joseph Martel, M.D., 54, of Carmichael, Health Professions Education Foundation Board of Trustees.
  • Jon Sheinberg, 49, of Los Angeles, Mount San Jacinto Winter Park Authority.
  • Stephanie Shimazu, 37, of Sacramento, Gambling Control Commission.

  • Jessica Dunning, 26, of Sacramento, California Exposition and State Fair.
  • Kevin Gaines, 41, of Sacramento, Department of Social Services.
  • Brent Reed, 29, of Sacramento, Department of Parks and Recreation.
  • Bobbi Jean Tanberg, 37, of Downey, Board of Occupational Therapy.

I always like to emphasize, as a sort of disclaimer, that there are qualified folks of all political parties to serve in positions of public trust.  That said, how someone chooses to register is a general insight into their worldview.

Running total since re-election (not included are Judges, who are tallied separately):

Republicans: 59

Democrats: 31

Decline to State: 7