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Brandon Powers

Where’s Jim Brulte?

Prior to the Recall, then-Senate Republican Leader Jim Brulte made a public pronouncement that should any Republican legislator vote for a tax increase, he’d personally lead the effort to find (and fund) a Primary challenge against them.

Given all of today’s brouhaha, and the fact that he still sits on close to a million dollars in his political account despite having been out of office for a few years, I wonder if the Senator’s challenge still stands?

And, might we see anything similar from Ackerman or Villines?

I really hope our opposition to tax increases still unites us. It’d sure be nice for Republicans to start acting like Republicans again.

2 Responses to “Where’s Jim Brulte?”

  1. Says:

    Kudos to Jim Brulte for this bold approach.

    It is high time that someone or a political party stand up for the hard working Californians:


  2. Says:

    Yes, tax increases are anathema, but there are many other liberty-encroaching things being done. I suspect our voices would be heard more if we did not limit ourselevs to the tax issue. Besides, we’ve already seen the ability of the other side to change the language, deflating our argument in the eyes/ears of the public (when is a fee not a tax?)