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Mike Spence

Will an illegal alien be at the Gov. Health Care Speech?

Sacramento Bee Columnist Daniel Weintraub reports that during the Big Health Care the Gov. will be "surrounded on stage by a dozen or so representatives from various interest groups with a stake in the debate, including employers, providers, consumers and others." They will then say what they won’t like or like about the program. Since the plan includes coverage for illegal aliens, was one invited to be on the stage?

One Response to “Will an illegal alien be at the Gov. Health Care Speech?”

  1. Says:

    I believe the invitation is out to Felipe Calderon Mike. He wants to be there to be able to go back and explain to all his citizens in Mexico all the details of how the plan will work. Genius of you Arnold. Why stop at children of illegals…just go for the homerun and give it away to all illegals.