Every week, some unknown and wildly uncourageous penman over at the Capitol Weekly writes the "Ask Big Daddy" column — throwing around advice like it is going out of sale. His column this week was proof of one thing: Big Daddy Loves Big Government. The column is just one more nasty column aimed at those darned conservatives, by those who don’t understand that state government has grown too much, and is too large. The anonymous penman suggests a number of punative measures that should be taken against Republican legislators who don’t swallow the grow-government kool-aid.
So, I would offer this:
It is really not hard to figure out why virtually every Republican legislator is opposed to the type of ‘bipartisan progress’ being offered up by liberal Democrats Fabian Nunez and Don Perata — because they do not represent any kind of compromise on the part of liberal Democrats, they represent capitulation at best or a liberal streak in one Republican — Arnold Schwarzenegger. There has been no movement on the part of Democrats to embrace any of the Republican agenda.
Daddy, I know that some concepts are hard for you to understand. So let me just spell it out in very simple terms. Democrats want more spending, more taxes, more fees and more regulation. Democrats want to take from one Californian to give to another. Democrats believe in strong centralized government, and a limiting of freedom and liberty of individual Californians. Republicans believe that we need to reign in spending. Republicans not only oppose new taxes, but believe that the taxes that we have now are too high. Republicans believe that by reducing regulation, fees, taxes, and spending, that we will spur on the economy, create jobs, and allow more Californians to enjoy better lives with a better standard of living.
So go look up all of these purported ‘bi-partisan’ ideas — and measure how many of them come down on the Republican side of reducing the size and scope of California government, versus how many of them increase California spending, regulation, taxes, fees and regulations.
Big Daddy, in your latest column you offer a whole list of suggested punitive actions to take against Republicans who actual vote in accordance with the very beliefs that elected them to office. Where is your list of similar ideas to go after Democrats who refuse to support any shrinking of the bureaucracy?
Of course ideas on how to get Democrats to go on a government-diet are not in your column. Why? Because you, Big Daddy, love big government!
Publisher, The FlashReport
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