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Mike Spence

LInda Boyd re-elected LA County Chair

Today, Linda Boyd was re-elected was County Chair of the Los Angeles County Republican Party. This will be her third team. Linda is only the second person elected to three consecutive terms. Her leadership team and received only a few no votes. LA County has come along way in the last few years under Linda’s leadership. She is also a candidate for Chair of the GOP County Chairman’s Association.

2 Responses to “LInda Boyd re-elected LA County Chair”

  1. Says:

    Congratulations to Linda. She works very hard and receives not enough credit.

    People brag all the time about the number of Republicans in Orange, San Diego, Riverside and San Bernardino counties, but there are over 1,000,000 registered Republicans in Los Angeles County. No other county comes even close to that number.

    Congratulations again to Linda. She deserves to be head of the County Chairperson’s Association although why she would want the job is beyond me.

  2. Says:

    Congrats to Linda.

    Well deserved!