As many FR readers already know, I am a candidate for Vice-Chairman, South, of the California Republican Party. The election will be on February 12th in Sacramento, and I will be campaigning hard all of the way until ‘election day’ at the GOP Convention. I am humbled to enjoy a tremendous amount of support from throughout the Southern Region (Riverside, Orange, San Diego, and Imperial Counties). I thought I would highlight three prominent endorsers of my campaign who are more ‘statewide’ than regional figures in California Republican politics:
"Jon’s acumen and understanding of the business of politics makes him my choice for Vice Chairman, South, of the California Republican Party."
– State Senator Tom McClintock
"It’s my honor to endorse you for CRP Vice Chair, South! You will do a great job."
– Steve Poizner, Insurance Commissioner-Elect
"When Jon asked, of course I endorsed him for Vice Chairman South. I have known Jon for many years — he loves our Party and has a keen sense for politics. I hope you will join me in supporting him."
– Former Senate Republican Leader
McClintock, Poizner and Brulte are joined by the following GOP elected officials from the Southern Region:
Board of Equalization MemberElect Michelle Steel, Congressman Ken Calvert, Congressman John Campbell, Congressman Duncan Hunter, Congressman Darrell Issa, Congressman Gary Miller, Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, Congressman Ed Royce, State Senate GOP Leader Dick Ackerman, State Senator Jim Battin, State Senator Tom Harman, State Senator Dennis Hollingsworth, State Senator Mark Wyland, Assemblyman Joel Anderson, Assemblyman John Benoit, former Assemblyman Russ Bogh, Assemblyman Paul Cook, former Assemblywoman Lynn Daucher, Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, Assemblyman Mike Duvall, Assemblyman Bill Emmerson, Assemblyman Bob Huff, Assemblyman Kevin Jeffries, Assemblyman Jim Silva, Assemblyman Todd Spitzer, Assemblyman Van Tran, and Assemblywoman Mimi Walters. Also supporting me are Orange County Chairman Scott Baugh, Riverside County Chairman Jeff Miller, CRP Treasurer Keith Carlson, CRP Immediate Past Chairman Shawn Steel, GOP activist Julie Vandermost, and many more!
The following GOP organizations have endorsed: The Orange County Republican Party, the California College Republicans, the California Republican Assembly, the California Republican Lawyers Association, and the Young Republican Federation of California!
You can add your name to those supporting my candidacy for Vice Chairman, South, by clicking here.
You can see my first brochure, which includes some of my campaign themes and information, as well as quotes from many supporters, by clicking here and here. You can see my second mailing my clicking here.
Look for more updates — and fear not, loyal readers, this election will soon be over, and you will be spared my electioneering…
[Addition: Whoops, I forgot to mention my strong support from Senator Bob Dutton, who represents the entire city of Riverside. (Thanks RL) – Flash]