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Tab Berg

Labor Nuts and Almond Joy Politics

Buried in the business section of the Sacramento Bee (and again in the opinion page) was a story about what should be one of the biggest political scandals of the year:  Sacramento Councilman Steve Cohn, in an brazen attempt to curry favor with labor unions, is secretly attempting to force a private company to unionize – even though employees already voted against unionizing.

One of the regions oldest businesses – the venerable Blue Diamond Growers, which is really a co-operative of 3500 small growers — learned of the move by the City of Sacramento when the item appeared on the agenda for this Friday’s council meeting.

Councilman Steve Cohn — who really wants to be mayor — is trying to eliminate the standard secret ballot, which would leave employees open to intimidation for their ballot choice (no matter which side they pick, they would be subject to possible intimidation).

Cohn once tried to block expansion of Sutter Hospital (including the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) because of an unrelated labor issue.  He hopes that by promoting labor’s agenda, they will back him when he runs for Mayor.

Nuts Stevie!  All you have really done is threaten little babies and small family farmers.

Sometimes you feel like a nut — sometimes you don’t: Cohn’s pandering politics makes him one of the former.  In the next election cycle, voters should select one of the latter.