With a shout out to GOP Board of Equalization Member Bill Leonard’s blog, we ‘lift’ (with encouragement to check out his blog) the following posted by Leonard today, which is worth reading and thinking about…

Accusations have been flying that the CRP’s Victory ’06 was actually Arnold ’06, Period. I have heard that the CRP’s phone banks used scripts written by and for the Governor, leaving the rest of the ticket unmentioned. There are rumors that there was mischief with CRP door-hangars because the Governor and the party disagreed over ballot measures. There is concern that the Victory ’06 GOTV effort focused on voters who may not even have been Republicans.
At this point, such accusations remain just that: undocumented statements with a tinge of bitterness following a brutal defeat of most of the party ticket. Therefore, what is needed is full disclosure by the CRP leadership, a detailed political audit of how this campaign was waged. The party members, donors and volunteers deserve to know the full truth and the actual numbers. Specifically, how did the CRP spend $20 million? How many voters were contacted, by whom, where were they, and what message was delivered to them? Can we identify why some of our biggest GOP counties appear to have had a much lower GOP turnout than usual? Did the party organizations there rely on Victory ’06 to turn-out the base instead of their usual, grassroots effort? This Dem blog said the CDP “contacted 521,622 voters and personally visited 424,354 homes to seek their support of the Democratic Ticket.” What are the CRP’s numbers, and can we honestly say that contact from the CRP included support for the Republican ticket?
November 21st, 2006 at 12:00 am
Also, how much of the $20 million was used to hire temporary workers to make GOTV calls even though they couldn’t read English or pronounce the word “Republican”? Just curious…
November 22nd, 2006 at 12:00 am
Hey, the genius who came up with ignoring Prop. 90 and Dick Mountjoy is sure a winner.
November 27th, 2006 at 12:00 am
Turnout 2006 vs 2002
Riverside: 49.4 / 47.7
San Bernadino 45.0 / 47.7
Ventura 53.9 / 48.3
Kern 51.9 / 53.1
Orange 50.3 / 49.4
San Diego 57.0 / 48.3
Fresno 54.0 / 45.0
San Joaquin 50.1 / 49.9
Statewide 53.8 / 49.6
Conclusion: Turnout in base Republican couties was basically the same as in 2002, a little higher insome places, a little lower in others.
Turnout was not your problem. Your problem was that voters were not buying what you were selling.