Mark Pruner is a Regional Vice Chairman on the California Republican Party Board of Directors, and Chairman of the Yolo County Republican Party — both post for which he will need to stand for re-election in the coming months.
Mark contact me about penning some post-election thoughts for FR readers…We now have an historic opportunity.
In 2008, for the first time in 56 years, there will be neither a sitting President nor a sitting Vice President running for the office of President of the United States. Not since the Dwight Eisenhower vs. Adlai Stevenson contest of 1952 has the race for the White House been this open. In nearly every sense possible, the national election of 2008 will be one of the great elections in the history of our nation.
Republicans in California have just executed the most sophisticated, far-reaching, and engaging voter outreach in the history of any state general election. Yes, there are valid suggestions for change (criticisms). Yes, there were significant lessons to learn from Victory 06. But the truth is that more was done, and with more volunteers, than ever before.
In the next two years we will register more voters, develop even better ways to turnout and motivate voters, and form much stronger local and county party organizations. Ron Nehring has said that our goal is to continue on the path to become a world-class political organization. I wholeheartedly agree with that goal, and I believe it is attainable in the near future.
I want to suggest three guiding principles as we take a look at the future.
First, with every Republican organization, local and state, let’s build relationships with all of our supporters. Relationships mean asking people for help, then being sure to thank our helpers for their assistance. Supporters come in all forms, and without regard to financial ability, time constraints, and, sometimes, without regard to party registration.
Second, I believe it is imperative that we connect specific legislation, policy and our Republican values with the benefits and gains these bring into individual lives and communities. The world is full of general and vague sound bites, leaving a void of substance. We have the opportunity to fill that void with specifics and substance.
Third, it is time to reinforce of the partnership between Republicans and Republican elected officials. We know we will have some differences of opinion with our representatives. If we first choose to engage in the act of listening instead of working to discredit other Republicans we advance Democracy with all of its virtues. The key to our effectiveness as a team is how we work together through our differences.
We now have an incredible opportunity in our hands. The Democrats know that a California in play on November 4, 2008 will determine the shape of the country for both our children and grandchildren. We have the ideas to lift people up and to make the lives of all Californians better. It is my hope that through employing each of the three principals above, Republicans will bring connection and community as never before to all people of the State of California.
You can drop Mark a note here, or comment below.
November 12th, 2006 at 12:00 am
I have worked for the state party for over four years. I have seen plenty of board members come and go. Mark Pruner is a rising star in our Party. He is a good conservative with a work ethic second to none.