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Brandon Powers

Huff Pulls No Punches In Explaining Leadership Change

Today Bob Huff put out the following column on the Assembly GOP’s leadership change. It’s well worth the read…

Election Reinforces Need for a Leadership Change

By Assemblyman Bob Huff

Pundits will Monday-morning-quarterback the state election and its outcome for months, but it seems clear that voters like the idea of a bipartisan effort to wrestle with and solve state issues. In a move that ran counter to national trends, the California electorate rewarded a Republican Governor with a second term to govern with a Democrat-controlled legislature.

Contrary to the electorate’s expectations though, Sacramento will be a de facto one-party state – unless the Republicans in the Assembly work as a team and stand united. If we don’t, we will be nothing more than a wire fence with an open gate for the liberal agenda to pass through. And, all of the work we have done to be elected and serve our constituents according to our values and principles will be for nothing.

Bi-partisanship became the cornerstone of the Governor’s campaign this year. He toured the state with stories about reaching across the aisle and brokering compromises to achieve progress. But, the scene played out much differently in the Capitol. This new brand of bi-partisanship wasn’t about dialogue and cooperation. Instead, the Governor with the (R) behind his name worked with the Democrats to craft his agenda. Then, he picked off a few Republican votes to seal the deal.

Just today, the San Francisco Gate reported that Nuñez “is convinced that Schwarzenegger has become a true supporter of Democratic goals.” Specifically, he said: “We certainly cannot apologize for the progress that was made, because it was all on our terms. I think we did a good job in California of turning a Republican governor into a Democratic spokesperson.”

Throughout the past year, the Governor repeatedly side-stepped the Republicans to place $39 billion “devil’s in the details” infrastructure bonds on the ballot. The Governor then used his coattails to expand the state’s debt, but not the ranks of Republican legislators. For the past 12 months, Schwarzenegger catered to Nuñez and Villaraigosa while he abandoned Senator McClintock and the rest of our Republican ticket.

Governor Schwarzenegger will challenge Senator Lieberman for the Honorary Democrat of the Year award if the Republicans in the Assembly don’t flex their strength by standing together.

Ironically, the Governor’s huge win at the polls makes a statement from the Republican legislators even more critical. Swelled by his decisive win, the Governor will parlay his victory to continue to drive an agenda inconsistent with the principles of our Party through the legislature, which risks further flattening our economy at a critical time.

As Arnold and the Democrats prioritize extending healthcare coverage to the uninsured in a down budget year (as a result of a declining housing market, billions in unfunded state pensions, scarce discretionary state funds, and new voter approved bonded debt), it is more critical than ever that those who wish to move California forward in a fiscally sustainable manner have an equal voice and vote at the table.

Furthermore, when they assault the business environment with an increased focus on alternative energy manufacturing, we as Republicans need to be ready with a strong defense to protect the small businesses in our districts.

The Republicans must be that voice at the table, seeking credible, fiscally sustainable solutions. Republicans were not elected to go along to get along, but to make a positive difference for their constituents. True bi-partisanship requires dialogue on both sides of an issue, and working toward a win-win result for the people. No more side-stepping or steamrolling can be tolerated.

Victory has been claimed. The election party is over. The bill is now due. 

It will take a reasoned, cautious approach to balance the many needs in this state. A change in Assembly Republican leadership is the first in many steps that must be take.

2 Responses to “Huff Pulls No Punches In Explaining Leadership Change”

  1. Says:

    Our Assemblyman Bob Huff certainly nailed it! Bob is truly a leader and we are fortunate to have him as our assemblyman!!

  2. Says:

    Kudos and Thumbs up to Assemblyman Bob Huff. Keep up the good work Bob, you are a dedicated leader that tells things like it is. No beating around the bush, GOP leaders should listen to Assemblyman Huff.