For too long we have held our Members in Congress in too high of esteem. And for what? Their collective lack of leadership, self governance and accomplishments are the core reason for GOP losses yesterday. Well funded primary challengers are welcome for 2008. Richard Pombo, a fine man, fine leader, and ethically straight member went up in flames for a number of reasons, but let’s not ignore this – his strong suits of ag, water, natural resources and endangered species reform are a great fit for a Central Valley District, but they are Tier 2 issues that don’t motivate conservative turnout. Federal deficits, lack of immigration reform, new entitlement spending are all issues that must be worked on concurrently with District specific issues in order for a member in a marginal District to survive. Let’s put our pedestals away and rightfully ask – what are you doing about the big issues in our country?, before we re-elect anyone to Congress.