Tomorrow, the Assembly Republican class of ’07-’08 will be gathering for what I understand is a traditional post-election lunch. Some years, this meal ends up being a ‘last supper’ for an Assembly Leader who loses seats — other years it is has been a triumphant feast. There has been some ‘chatter’ and ‘behind the scenes’ swirling about whether or not the current Assembly Republican Leader, George Plescia, is going to be dealing with a potential challenge to his post tomorrow. Maybe he will or maybe he will not. But I am firing this post onto the FR Blog because I have gotten so many e-mails from people asking me about it, and also because of the taunting, baiting posts over at the CMR (Democrat) website, where they have a vested interest in throwing stink-bombs into the GOP tent.
I made a specific decision of my own NOT to blog about any of these goings-on before the election, and have decided that I really have no desire to talk about it now. I have spoken with over a dozen Assemblymembers or Assemblymembers-elect over the past few days on a myriad of issues, including those pertaining to caucus leadership. I will just say this — that I believe Assembly Republicans place a high priority in sticking together and being unified in policy and in purpose. The ones with whom I spoke are excited to work with the Governor on those issues on which they can find agreement, but are prepared to stave off, wherever possible, liberal policies from any point of origin.
That said, as I like to tell people — the FlashReport is not an unbiased source of news. We want conservatives to win, and liberals to lose. In my opinion, the FR’s mission is best served by letting our conservatives in the Assembly Republican Caucus deal with their own internal issues. Our mission isn’t to ‘break all news all of the time’ — but to promote our conservative cause.
In this case, fanning the flames of gossip, speculation and disinformation doesn’t help anyone. Besides, the dynamics on these sorts of things change every two minutes. So anything we wrote would be ancient history by hour’s end.
This coming legislative session is fraud with peril — Senator Don Perata and Assembly Speaker and their respective legislative majorities will have their "let’s grow government" claws out, and will be seeking to make any issue ‘bipartisan’ (code for — get the Governor to support an issue) that suits their liberal agenda. Republicans in the Senate and Assembly need to use this coming month or two to gear up for a tough road ahead. We wish them luck, and we’re here to help out!

November 8th, 2006 at 12:00 am
Okay, then, so if Flash readers want the inside scoop of what WILL happen in the Republican Caucus, check out the recent postings at
Our site is a “big tent” where we aren’t afraid to let it all hang out, good nor bad. The Villines/Keene challenge to Plescia, we hear, is happening — and worth reading about. And btw, it’s neither speculation or disinformation. It’s real.