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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

They’re Coming Out Of The Final Turn….

You should be hearing the sounds of the poll workers throwing open the doorways and calling that the polls are open about now.  Today, as all our candidates and our dedicated volunteers sprint to the finish for this years round of elections, I’d like to tell our Republican V6 volunteers thank you for making it happen, for all the hours, the walking, the thousands of phone calls…the nuts and bolts of a campaign that are going to make the difference and bring our side our success today.  Think about it, in 2006, we have in our grasp 5 statewide offices.  When I got down to Sacramento in ’02, we had just lost ’em all.  We have a shot at picking up legislative seats in these goofy-apportionment districts…and we’ll keep the ones we have.  

This in the face of a media blitz that is trying very hard to paint the picture for Republicans as bleak.
This while even some Republicans try to "eat their own" in the heat of the election.
These things happen and we still pound ahead…to a positive result. 

As a candidate, it’s appreciated.  As Americans that believe in something, it matters.  Thanks to all our CRP members and board, we will see unexpected success tonight.  We know of some things we need to do to make our operations better next round, as always, as we battle in a so called blue state but the wins we get are from what we’ve all done together over another 2 years, at the conventions, on the committees, the meetings and the conference calls.  The dedication for the time and travel involved is high.  But our victories really go to the grass roots, the volunteers from Republican Women Federated, our county Central Committees, CRA’s, CCR’s, Lincoln Clubs, and 
any others around the state.  And up in this part of the state, thanks to the folks getting the work done at the big Chico V6 North State HQ, [where the Guv stopped by Saturday and made calls!] and the volunteers in Shasta County in Redding, Glenn County in Orland, Sutter County in Yuba City, Woodland in Yolo County, and waaayyy up in Yreka in Siskiyou County and Modoc County.

Also inspiring are the ones not affiliated with any group that just "show up."  One this year is a gentleman from my area that was not political much and decided to take time from his life to help Chuck Poochigian because he saw in Chuck a top quality candidate and a man that deserved the help, not to mention the contrast with the opponent in that race.  He thought it would make a difference as to who would be the Attorney General, for he and his family.  So he was out putting up signs, walking literature, whatever he could do to make a bit of difference in the area he touched.  That right there gives me all the reason to keep charging forward.  It’ll be a great day.  Have fun starting at 8PM, be safe and God Bless all our workers and America with a good result tonight.