As the FlashReport finished up our election year coverage by recognizing some of the Most Valuable Players from a few of the statewide campaigns (we are only highlighting Republicans because we really have no interest in heaping praise on the technicians who work hard to elect those who grow the size and scope of government), our focus goes to the campaign of former Assemblyman Tony Strickland, who is in a close contest with Democrat John Chiang in the race for California State Controller. And Tony’s MVP is…
The FlashReport MVP Award for the Strickland for Controller campaign goes to Paul Hegyi who is the day-to-day campaign coordinator for Team Tony. Unlike the previous two campaigns we have already featured in the "MVP" category, Strickland has really had to wage two campaigns — a hard fought win in the primary against a very aggressive campaign from GOP State Senator Abel Maldonado, and now this general election show down against Chiang. Paul’s office is located over in the international headquarters of the JohnsonClark consulting firm, who are the general consultants for the Strickland campaign. From there, Paul has directed all of the campaigns activities, which for a statewide campaign, is a tall order.
Implementing the strategic plan for Strickland victory has been a team effort. In addition to Tony (and super-volunteer and wife, Audra) and Wayne Johnson and Tim Clark, Paul’s team includes Chris Wangsporn, the campaign’s Director of Operations (who literally does it all – he hasn’t slept in a year), Finance Director Matthew Jubitz (out of Capitol Campaigns — see their ad to the right), Beth Walker with candidate operations at JohnsonClark, and finally John Hrabe, who has been a tireless and key volunteer aide on the campaign (of course, we add an FR "shout out" to Joel Angeles, who is dragged into every Team Strickland effort – LOL.)
Somehow Paul has managed to keep the talent and energy of this whole team focused in the right direction, and now as the end election is almost upon us, FR’s inside scoop is that Tony continues to hold onto a slight lead.
Paul is actually on leave right now from his normal job as Chief of Staff for Assemblyman.Van Tran — but you have to figure that if Strickland wins, Van may be in need of a new top staffer. Back in 2004, Hegyi ran the Congressional campaigns of two targeted Republicans in the battleground state of Missouri, helping one to win their primary, the other their general election. In 2003, Hegyi was the onsite campaign manager for Van Tran’s first run for Assembly, where Tran won a very heated primary by a narrow margin. Paul’s political beginnings started in the political operation of FR friend Duane Dichiara. Back in 2001, Hegyi interned for Assemblyman Mark Wyland when Duane was the Assemblyman’s Chief of Staff. Paul eventually moved down to the District Office where he did a ton of hard work on behalf of GOP candidates and causes. In 2002, Paul was the go-to person for the candidacy of Shirley Horton for Assembly, shepherding her through to a seven point win in a Democratic district.
If Paul has one particular flaw, it might be his undying affection for the New York Yankees. But then, Paul was born in New York, but has lived in Sacramento since he was nine (with a few excursions out of town for political campaigns). Paul is not married — but is definitely taken (yes, ladies, this man is in love).
Good luck to Team Strickland tomorrow!

November 6th, 2006 at 12:00 am
“Paul is actually on leave right now from his normal job as Chief of Staff for Assemblywoman.Van Tran”
Has Van had a sex change operation?
So much for “family values.”
November 6th, 2006 at 12:00 am
Dana, you must have misread — look again! ;-)
Thanks for pointing out the mistake to the world. We might have to revoke your proofreading account.
Fortunately, we can make changes after publishing.
November 7th, 2006 at 12:00 am
Paul, thats legit. Keep it up.