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Riverside County Action Weekend

This weekend update was sent over from FR Friend Jeff Miller, Riverside County Republican Chairman.

I spent the weekend in several of our campaign headquarters and wanted to give you an update on my travels throughout Riverside County.  Riverside County was "firing on all cylinders" last weekend and it made me PROUD. 
I started my weekend out in the Desert Friday with stops at campaign HQs of Mary Bono, Bonnie Garcia, and our Palm Desert Victory 06 HQ.  The Garcia campaign volunteers were energized and motivated to help Bonnie win.  The Palm Desert V06 office was some sight to see.  Hat’s off to Bob Olsson and Bob Richmond for put together a machine of volunteers making calls in the desert.  All of our phone goals were exceeded and the volunteers were excited and motivated.  Senator Jim Battin came down and greeted everyone and the Governor’s arrival had everyone very excited.  I don’t think I have ever seen him in such a good mood.  He was having lots of fun and really gave the volunteers personal time to shake hands and talk individually.  It was great to watch.
Saturday brought many VIP’s to our Riverside headquarters.  We had Senator Dutton, Assemblyman Emmerson, Secretary of State Bruce McPherson, and Governor Schwarzenegger.  Congrats to Nathan Miller for putting together a wonderful operation in our Riverside HQ.  It was great to feel the energy and see the volunteers at work in Riverside. 
Sunday in our Murrieta HQ we had team McRV stop in and thank the volunteers.  Secretary of State Bruce McPherson and our next Lieutenant Governor, Tom McClintock stopped in and spoke to us.  Kevin Jeffries, our next Assemblyman for the 66th also stopped by to say hi.  Senator Hollingsworth and his family came in to meet and greet everyone.  Tom Rogers, Vice President of our county GOP precinct operation strolled around to thank everyone.  It was a great day in Murrieta.  Thanks to Ryan Kenny for his efforts in our Murrieta office.  Lastly, as reported by the Flash publisher, it is always good to see Jon Fleischman.  See Jon’s write up on his stop in Murrietta.
Also, thanks to Dave Morgan for his tireless efforts and Volunteer chairs Angel Sanchez Jr. and Ken Minesinger for their support.  Lastly, thanks to our Executive Director Tommy Thompson for running around all week between offices supporting all of our election efforts and Sue Fisher for handling phone calls at our Moreno Valley headquarters. 
Hope to see you all on election night.