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Mike Spence

Garamendi looks for new Running mate? Robo call use Governor to attack McClintock

I’ve got two calls now from some great GOP women activists on the west side of Los Angeles. They are upset about a robo call being done by some one supporting Garamendi. I heard it and it goes like this (I tried my best to get it all down)

Tis is Shirley Freeman and I’m a lifelong Republican. I’m a bit confused about the race for Lieutenant Governor. Today I read in the paper that Governor Schwarzenegger said that Tom McClintock was totally wrong and that if we went went with his way of thinking, then we will never rebuild California.

It goes on to urge a vote for Garamendi. As Angelides tanks Garamendi looks for another running mate. See here how a close loss on the down ticket hurts the Gov.

BTW there are two Shirley Freeman’s registered as Republicans, don’t know if they are part of it or not. 

I’m sure the Governor will denouce this campaignb dirty trick and let every one know that he truly is supporting McClintock.