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Jon Fleischman

FR MVP AWARDS: TOM’S MVP… The envelope please…

Over the next two days, the FR will be highlighting four more statewide campaign MVP’s, already having awarded "Arnold’s MVP" to Californians for Schwarzenegger Communications Director Katie Levinson.  Not every campaign will be called out for this honor, but a few more will.  Two today, and two tomorrow.  Congratulations to Katie and to the other recipients.


Tomorrow, Tom McClintock may become the next Liuetenant Governor of California.  There is no doubt that some of the credit for McClintock being poised on the edge of victory goes to his campaign Comminucations Director, Stan DeVeraux, who gets the FlashReport "Tom’s MVP" Award for his key role in the McClintock operation.

Califoria is a large state, loaded with ton of media markets, and with a candidate like McClintock who is in so much demand by the media (perhaps because he is not afraid to call things like he sees them) — the job of the Communications Director is all that much more complex.  Of course, there is also the challenge that, as a down-ticket candidate, resources for staff and services are constrained — you are forced to to more with less.  Stan has admirably stepped up the plate, with McClintock’s reputation with reporters (and bloggers) being stirling.

Of course, with any campaign that runs with a lean team, in winning the MVP award, Stan is undoubtedly getting credit for some of the work of strategist John Feliz, campaign manager Ron Rogers, and advisor Lorelei Kinder.

The Communications shop over at Team McClintock, while not the army in place like the Governor has (and uses effectively), is not a team of one.  Stan relied on the talents of Press Secretary Steve Wharton,  staff jack-of-all-trades-man Jon Huey, and Igor Birman (who’s primary task was raising funds).

Of course Stan would want it to be said (so I will say it) that the unprecedented support that the campaign has had from volunteers has been important to every aspect of the campaign, including his own.

Stan is no new-comer to politics here in the Golden State – he’s been at it for over two decades.  For the past two years, he’s operated his own public relations firm based out of Sacramento, where he was hired to be the spokesperson for the campaign to pass Proposition 73, and then took on the challenge of managing the Congressional campaign of Eric Roach in the special election to fill the San-Diego based district Duke Cunningham.

Stan has put in plenty of time on the public sector side as well, heading up communications for former Treasurer Matt Fong and over at the the California Earthquake Authority.  He also put in time as External Affairs Manager at the Western States Patroleum Association.

Oh yeah, politics is his second favorite thing, after being a husband, and a dad.

Congratulations on being named Tom’s MVP, Stan, now go close out the race and bring your boss over the finish line!


4 Responses to “FR MVP AWARDS: TOM’S MVP… The envelope please…”

  1. Says:

    Congratulations, Stan. Great effort and a richly deserved tip of the hat. Best wishes tomorrow.

  2. Says:

    Congratulations Stan. I concur. Although I think it is cruel of Jon to do this before election day as it increases the stress on you. Or perhaps Jon was just adding a little incentive to win.

  3. Says:


    The award is well deserved.

    You have a McFan Club!

  4. Says:

    This tommy girl is also a member of Stan’s McFan Club. Outstanding job, Stan!