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Jon Fleischman

Arnold in Irvine

This morning the Governor is starting out his day on the campaign trail at the home town of the FlashReport — Irvine, in Orange County. We’re live blogging from this Victory 06 headquarters which has been one of the highest "producing" centers in terms of volunteer activism.

There are about a hundred people here today, with about 20 being precinct walkers here to shake hands with the Governor before they head out and everyone else is on the phones.

On hand to welcome the Governor is Irvine City Councilwoman Christina Shea, who told me, "We are pleased to welcome the Governor to Irvine. The Governor is so supportive of our Republican efforts locally, and we are excited to support him!"

The media turnout, as you would expect, is intense, with a combination of television, radio and newpaper reporters on hand. It’s crazy congested here with so many volunteers, all of the press, and a lot of the Governor’s staff and advance folks.

Also on hand here is Santa Ana Coucilman Carlos Bustamante, who said the he is pleased to see so many young people at the HQ (despite the comment, Bustamante, at 41, isn’t that old!)

After walking through the volunteer center for some time, the Governor made some remarks to the troops. Typing this as I am, on a Blackberry, I can’t get all of his remarks, but here are a couple of quotes:

AS: "It is great to see so many people having faith in us. This campaign s all about protecting the California dream. We are going to continue moving California forward. "

"Thank you for all of your hard work. Thank you to all of you making phone calls, walking precincts, and turning out voters!"

Of course, the Governor finished up by telling the excited volunteers, "I promose you — I’ll be back!"

The Governor did talk to a number of voters on the phones, and in addition to thanking them for their support, he encouraged them to vote against all of the tax increases on the ballot.

The Governor took the time to introduce me to his son who is traveling with him on the campaign trail.

This HQ is under the able guidance of Orange County’s Victory 06 Coordinator (and FR friend) Barrett Tetlow.

Some of the key volunteers on hand include Marye Brown, Magdelena Bronson, Mitch McCollum, Kate Morgan, Jay Peterson, Brittany Hales, Angelina Bradfield, and of course Lynn and Alan Bartlett

Special recognition goes to Carol Kresse, who presented another cake to the Governor – the second she has baked for him. Every VIP that comes through this HQ has gotten a cake from Carol, including Tom McClintock, Tony Strickland, Congressman Ed Royce, Assemblyman Bob Huff, State Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman, Sheriff Mike Carona and others, too.

On a closing note, it was good to see FR friends from Team Arnold – Julie Soderlund, Clay Russell, and Arnold MVP Katie Levinson.

2 Responses to “Arnold in Irvine”

  1. Says:


    Thank you for mentioning by name the hard working volunteers at each of these campaign stops. Volunteers are often the unsung heroes of campaigns and they deserve high praise for their dedication.

  2. Says:

    Placentia is Proud of you.