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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Tour Ends in San Diego

The crowd is packed here University Town Center Victory ’06 HQ in San Diego, where volunteers have been making phone calls to Republican voters.

This location is under the care and feeding of local V6 stagger Josh Groden and Chris Anderson with the Governor’s Campaign, who definately have been hard at work. On hand here is Todd Cranney who coordinates this whole region for the V6 program.

Ok. So on this stop, both of our Statewide candidates spoke an length to the volunteers:

TM: “There are a tremendous number of absentee ballots that have not been returned. Your work over the next 55 hours will make a huge difference about whether we get those votes counted!”

BM: “We are really in a position to win Republican seats like we haven’t had in a long time. This is the most amazing party GOTV effort we have ever had. You are the ones who are going to make the difference. “

McPherson mentioned that as SOS, he has actually personally travelled to all of California’s counties, meeting with the various Registrars or Voters.

After the speeches were over, both candidates got on the phones and made calls to voters — I caught up with the Senator after his calls… “I think that any national Democratic advances are going to stop at the California state border.”

Also on hand was an old FR friend, former CRA Vice President Ron Kinder and to FR reader Dyna Hydrik with the Golden Triangle Republican Womens Federated club!

We want to give a special “shout out” to the hard working volunteers at this HQ including Greg Kershaw, Sara Morgan, Brooke Leon, Jenna Giacomini, Ashley Utts, and Justin Ahn.

One Response to “Today’s Tour Ends in San Diego”

  1. Says:


    It means so much as a volunteer to be personally thanked. Thanks to everyone who stopped by today and did just that. You all really made us feel appreciated.

    And nice to meet you Jon!