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Jon Fleischman

McTour stops in Temecula

We’ve been mobbed here in Temecula, on the west end of Riverside County. County GOP Chairman Jeff Miller has welcomed the McTour here.

Miller’s welcome committee also includes Kevin Jeffries, who will be following the retiring Ray Haynes as the next local GOP Assemblyman.

Jeffries introduced first Secretary McPherson…

BM: If Republicans can get out our votes, we will have a majority of the statewide elected positions in the Republican offices. We were swept four years ago, and now we are poized for an amazing victory.”

McPherson then introduced Tom McClintock, “the most principled man in the legislature.”

TM: “Think of the message that we will send nationally if we shift this blue state into a red country. We can remind everyone that California truly is Reagan Country.”

A shout out to longtime FR friend Ryan Kenny, who is the local V6 staffer on the ground here.

In a funny moment, Senator McClintock was approached by a man named Eric. It turns out they went to high school and were both Young Republicans together!