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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: FlashReport on the Road: On the bus statewide with our GOP Nominees

Today and tomorrow, I will be traveling with some of our GOP nominees as they barnstorm around the Golden State visiting and motivating GOP volunteers in Victory 06 Centers started from Sacramento this morning and ending in San Diego tomorrow night – with a lot of stops in between.  I will be endeavoring to "live blog" as much as my fingers and my Blackberry will let me!  It should be a lot of fun, and I’ll look forward to bringing you some interesting observations and insights…  Today the GOP candidates traveling through the Central Valley (Sacramento, Stockton, Fresno and Bakersfield) include Liuetenant Governor nominee Tom McClintock, Controller nominee Tony Strickland, and Attorney General nominee Chuck Poochigian!  So check back to the FR blog page often throughout the weekend and check out my reports!  (On Sunday, Poochigian and Strickland will break off, but we’ll stick with McClintock into the Inland Empire and eventually down to San Diego!)
What are the candidates up to this weekend?  Well, you know what McClintock, Poochigian and Strickland are up to — here are some updates from other nominees:
From Julie Soderlund on the Governor’s campaign team:

Governor Schwarzenegger will spend Saturday visiting volunteers at Victory ’06 headquarters in Chico, Pleasanton, and Riverside. Victory ’06 is the largest, most sophisticated Republican grassroots get-out-the-vote effort seen in recent California political history. Through this program more than 60,000 volunteers will have made 3 million calls to California voters by election day. The goal of the Victory ’06 program is to elect Republican candidates across California. On Sunday, the Governor will have events in the Los Angeles area. 

Check out for the latest on the Governor’s campaign.

From Peggy Mew with the Mountjoy for United States Senate campaign:

We are now in the final push to Get Out The Vote on Election Day and Senator Dick Mountjoy, the US Senate Republican Nominee, is traveling statewide to encourage volunteers to keep up their voter outreach efforts.

**There is more – click the link**

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