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Jon Fleischman


We’re on the campus of the University of the Pacific, home of the UOP Tigers, for the next stop in our GOTV tour.

Greetings us, amidst a crowd of about a hundred folks is Congressman Richard Pombo – a true American hero.

“For all of us, all comes down to turnout,” Pombo told me beforehe started escorting our three statewide candidates around the crowd.

On hand are Republican Stockton Councilmembers Clem Lee and Gary Gioveneti among a whole score of other local GOP notables.

TS: “This election is all about changing California. I have never seen a better ticket from top to bottom! Its up to you to make that extra call or walk that extra precinct.”

CP: “I started out in politics as a volunteer for an Attorney General candidate George Deukmejian. I appcreciate so much the work of volunteers.”

Richard Pombo introduced TM saying, “He always fights for the things he believes in. Even when he is the lone voice standing up for us. He is someone we always know will be there for us…”

TM: “This election will be decided in about 83 hours, and it will determine the direction will take for years to come…”

At this stop, it was great to hear the candidates introduce each other – clearly all respect one another, and are friends.”

I caught up with Assemblyman Alan Nakanishi who told me, “This is the best opportunity we have to get great people elected – and we need to take it!”

FR friend Steve Ding, Congressman Pombo’s Chief of Staff, said that the volunteer support for Pombo has been nothing short of staggering.

On a final note, it is testament to Richard Pombo’s leadership in Washington, D.C., that I caught up to five staffers of Florida Governor Jeb Bush here to make a difference – Frank Bonner, Matt Leopold, Monica Henriques, Gerald McSwiggan, and Charlie Saver – thanks to you all, and to Governor Bush!!