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Jon Fleischman

Sacramento Stop

About a hundred GOP volunteers are up bright and early here at the Sac V ’06 HQ. The energy is palpable as our candidates mingle through the crowd. Senator McClintock (TM), Tony Strickland (TS), and Senator Poochigian (CP).

Working the crowd are GOP County Chairman (and FR friend) Donna Schalansky, Assemblyman-Elect Ted Gaines (who will be replacing the retiring Tim Leslie), GOP senior advisor Ken Khachigian (who is advising the Poochigian campaign), and GOP energizer bunny Fred Hildebrand.

I spoke with David Sander, the GOP ViceMayor of Rancho Cordova, a suberb of Sacramento. “We’re here to rev up the vote for our GOP ticket — it’s a great day to be a Republican.”

The Program:

Congressman Lungren warmed up the crowd. “It’s what we do today, tomorrow, Monday and yes, Tuesday, that will make the difference… The Congressman emphasized the importance of working hard to re-elect his fellow local Congressmen, John Doolittle and Richard Pombo – both are under serious assault by the far left.

TS: “In politics, it’s turnout, turnout, turnout!”

CP: “The more that comes out about who I am and what I believe, and the more the truth comes out about Jerry Brown and what he believes, the better we do.”

TM: “This is the hour that our job as candidates concludes… Now the responsibility of the future of California is more in your hands than in ours…”

Congressman Lungren closed the rally, saying, “Work all of the way until 8pm on election day. Remember, it’s a lot more fun when you win!”

Oh yes, let’s not forget to give a shout-out to our GOP nominee for State Senate here locally, Paul Green, an avid FR reader!