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Jon Fleischman

Pooch stops in Modesto

While I am with Tony Strickland and Tom McClintock chugging our way down to Fresno, the Poochigian team took a brief diversion to Modesto. Senator Poochigian just sent me an update from that stop — which follows… (Because I am pasting it in, sorry if the formatting is messed up.)

From Senator Poochigian:

Jon:  Had great visit with 50-60 volunteers at V ’06 HQ in Modesto.  This is part of my 14th Senate District (Fresno – Sacto County line).  They were hard at work at 10:30 a.m. working the phones, etc. Supervisor Jim DeMartini opened the event.  (Senator-elect) Dave Cogdill – who will be my replacement in the Senate followed and offered strong words of encouragement to the volunteers to fight on til the polls close.  We have many friends there (including a strong contingent from the active Republican Women’s Federated organization. Former Senator Dick Monteith (candidate for county supervisor) was also present.  Congressional candidate John Kanno also spoke about his race.  A number of other candidates for local office were also present.  As on other stops, there is a heightened level of involvement and interest in the hard work it takes to get out the vote on Election Day.  See you, Tom and Tony in Fresno shortly.  BTW – with Poochigian for AG splashed across our bus, we’re getting a lot of honks and thumbs up in the Central Valley heartland.  Chuck