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Brandon Powers

McClintock Aide Considering Run for Congress

Friends of mine are telling me that longtime McClintock District Director Joe Giardiello is reported to be strongly considering making a run for Congress.
As you might remember, Congressman Elton Gallegly really doesn’t want to be in office anymore, but stuck around for a bit longer to keep Michael Tenenbaum, from capturing his seat (24th District). Gallegly has recently stated he is keeping his options open, and knowing Joe, he certainly wouldn’t be foolish enough to run against Gallegly.
Joe, a McClintock confidante, and decorated Navy veteran who served during Desert Storm would be someone much more in the mold of a replacement Gallegly would be comfortable with.
McClintock is, of course, wildly popular in the region, and Joe’s association with McClintock, not to mention a possible endorsement by the next Lt. Governor, would be invaluable in the race.  With connections to the McClintock operation throughout the Central Coast district and as President of the Ventura County Republican Assembly, Joe would be in a good position to have the resources necessary to make a run for the seat. And as a small business owner, an advisor to the Minuteman Project, a former Stock Broker, and a Veteran he’d have the credentials necessary as well.
While I haven’t ask him about it specifically, I’d also imagine Joe’s close relationships with Steve Presson (a top California consultant) and a top DC fundraising firm would come in to play as well, giving Joe a solid start in his campaign.
We’ve spent considerable time on this site bemoaning the fact that the Republican-led Congress has lost its way. If Joe were to get in there, I know of at least one guy we could all count on to shake things up.

6 Responses to “McClintock Aide Considering Run for Congress”

  1. Says:

    I’d sure welcome him as a Republican Congressman. Hopefully that will be as part of a majority, if the current Republican Congress hasn’t irreparably wrecked itself.

  2. Says:

    Joe, you have got to do this!

  3. Says:

    D.C. is waiting!

  4. Says:

    Unless Gallegly is confident that his hand-pick choice will win the nomination to replace him, Elton is not likely to step down in 2008. And I have a hard time believing that he would tolerate Joe Giardiello or anyone else associated with the McClintock faction of the Republican Party in Ventura County. Lest anyone forget, there is a deep wedge among Republicans here that goes all the way back to the disastrous Ed Davis versus Bobbi Fiedler Senate battle in 1986. The wounds still haven’t healed.

  5. Says:

    Run Joe run! The DC GOP caucus is in serious need of some spine that would bring.

  6. Says:

    Joe would be the first conservative congressman with an earring!