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Jon Fleischman

Arriving at the first stop – the start of the tour!

It’s a chilly morning here at the Victory ’06 Mega Volunteer Center in Sacramento for the first stop of the two day statewide tour to help promote the Republican GOTV effort.


Preparations are underway… Volunterr Bill Helgland is busy adorning the McClintock RV with big signs.

Congressman Dan Lungren has just arrived with his aide Rachel Wanner.

And now Senator McClintock has arrived with his wife, Lori. Also, Tony Strickland is here as well, with his campaign manager Paul Hegyi. We also sighted Ron Rogers, McClintock’s CM. (When we leave Sacramento, these managers will go back to their campaign hq’s to quarterback last minute activities.).

“Its great to see that the conservative side of the ticket is doing so well,” says Congressman Lungren.

We’ll report in soon as the morning rally kicks off…