Brandon Powers recently posted a link up on this site over to the evil, hated and reviled (LOL) California Majority Report website, where they have reported that there is a leadership challenge in the making to Assembly Republican Leader George Plescia (this is true, by the way).
Karen Hanretty, our famous FR alumnus, posted a comment to Brandon’s post that is worth some attention, so I am reprinting it below:

[Referring to the Democrat Majority Report website]
That’s a pretty strong understatment, Brandon. It’s more like, "While not a CREDIBLE SOURCE for internal Republican matters…"
I don’t doubt there’s a letter floating around to challenge Plescia’s leadership — it’s been rumored for months. But the post on the Dem Majority Report is both inaccurate and misleading in its description of Plescia’s tenure as Republican Leader.
DMR writes: "Plescia’s fundraising efforts this cycle have been dismal."
FACT: From Jan 1 to Nov 1 of this year, Plescia has raised $993K — that’s $61K more than the same period in 2004.
DMR writes: "In addition, both targeted Republicans [Garcia and Horton] are in the fights of their lives."
FACT: Garcia and Horton are ALWAYS in the fight of their lives. And yet, sources tell me Horton has the best polling numbers ever and Garcia is running ahead of her opponent, despite an unprecedented amount of negative ads against her.
DMR writes: "Democrats have solid edges in the two races Republicans have targeted [Parra and Gulgiani].
FACT: Big deal! Neither Dave Cox nor Kevin McCarthy were successful in winning those seats for Republicans. But now we’re to blame Plescia if the seats remain in the "D" category? Give me a break.
The DMR may in fact be correct that the stakes are high for Plescia to remain leader. But FlashReport readers shouldn’t accept Democratic spin about Republican parlor intrigue.
Brandon responded to Karen thusly:
Understatement? OK. I’ll give you that.
And their spin is off from the actual rationale I’ve heard as to the reasons behind the challenge.
I just felt CMR deserved some kudos for getting to this story before we (ie, the Republican blog) did.
And their spin is off from the actual rationale I’ve heard as to the reasons behind the challenge.
I just felt CMR deserved some kudos for getting to this story before we (ie, the Republican blog) did.
The general election is Tuesday, and Assembly Republicans meet for lunch on Thursday. So FR readers will know in just a few days how this sorts itself out.
November 3rd, 2006 at 12:00 am
What’s wrong with this post? Let’s start by getting the name right, it’s CMR (for California Majority Report).
1. The letter hasn’t been there for months. It surfaced when the California Majority Report found out about it. And face it: when the leader of your party is under attack days before the election by the guy running the campaigns, that’s news. Big news.
2. Anybody in the know — and that includes you, Karen — knows that Sacramento folks are embarassed about Plescia’s fundraising. Except for the tribes, it is dismal. Hence the challenge from the right.
3. Garcia had a relatively easy run last year.
4. Do you really want me to supply the list of quotes from Republicans who predicted that GOP’r’s would take back both the Parra and Matthews seats this year? That Danny Gilmore was a Golden Boy? I think not.
Karen, we love you and I appreciate your disagreeing, but spare us the spin.