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Jennifer Nelson

Poochigian & Brown Debate

Sen. Chuck Poochigian and Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown met today in a debate hosted by the San Francisco Chronicle and CBS 5. You can watch the debate by clicking here.

It is worth it to watch the whole debate, but here are a few Brown quotes that were very telling:

“I’m running for AG because I want to bring some common sense and a practical approach to that office. I’ve had a record of integrity and innovation and I know how to get things done.”

I’m thinking that the only people in this… Read More

Mike Spence

Court of Appeals rules against homosexual marriage

Just an hour or so ago, the California Court Appeals ruled that Proposition 22’s definition of marriage is constitutional. This overturns a lower court ruling and sets up a possible Supreme Court hearing on the case. See article here. See entire ruling here.

Pro-Family citizens while celebrating should realize that thier homosexual activists are making huge strices in Sacramento. Equality California got 14 bills passed and the Governor signed 10 of them. See here.Arnold only vetoed those with a high profile. Otherwise he did the homosexual lobby’s bidding on the others.

That’s the lesson. Public profile on these issues is the only way to get the Governor’s attention.… Read More

OK, Two Posts…

… on former Congressman Mark Foley.

Thisarticle has a familiar name from California in it: Chip Englander, a former Wyland staffer. And it’s linked at the top of Drudge.

UPDATE: Englander must have met the alleged Foley correspondent, Jordan Edmund, when both worked on the Shirley Horton for State Assembly campaign. Edmund had it among his list of "Companies" on his MySpace webpage that Passionate America posted.Read More

Brandon Powers

Greg Hill Makes Political Comeback?

Former Assembly candidate and Redondo Mayor Greg Hill is apparently eyeing a return to politics.

Greg, who a few years ago was the closest of all the Republican challengers in Dem seats, is deciding whether the Redondo Treasurer’s slot is right for him.

Is this the first step of a future Assembly run? We’ll see…… Read More

NEWSFLASH: Rosenfield Endorses Steve Poizner For IC

Following closely upon the heels of Poizner’s endorsement by the LA Times, consumer advocate Harvey Rosenfield today announced he is adding his support to the Republican nominee for Insurance Commissioner. Rosenfield is the author of Proposition 103, the 1988 initiative that created the elected position of Insurance Commissioner.Read More

Today’s Commentary: A Wrap Up Of FR’s 20 Really Bad Bills

Frequent readers of the FlashReport know that we enlisted the help of Assemblymen Rick Keene (Chico) and Chuck DeVore (Irvine) back on September 7th to devise a list of this past legislative session’s twenty worst of the worst bills. All were worthy of the Governor’s veto.

Here’s a truncated recap:

1. AB 32 (Nunez), Emmissions Cap Signed!

**There is more – click the link**Read More

A Wrap Up Of FR’s 20 Really Bad Bills

Frequent readers of the FlashReport know that we enlisted the help of Assemblymen Rick Keene (Chico) and Chuck DeVore (Irvine) back on September 7th to devise a list of this past legislative session’s twenty worst of the worst bills. All were worthy of the Governor’s veto.

Here’s a truncated recap:

1. AB 32 (Nunez), Emmissions Cap Signed! 2. Read More

Majority Gets it, Wrong

Our Democrat friends over at the California Majority Report finally pulled their act together and are posting on a daily basis with what seems like some autonomy from the mother ship. See a previous commentary by FR publisher Jon Fleischman on the subject here.

On Monday Steve Maviglio whined about how Saturday’s upcoming gubernatorial debate wasn’t going to be more of a debate style debate.

Its just the first in a series of excuses for Angelides failing campaign and what will probably be a poor debate performance for him.

The Democrats know what the voters don’t yet: Governor Schwarzenegger actually has a command of the substantive policy issues that face California today. When the voters see the Governor answering policy questions with real answers, not just platitudes, they are going to be even more confident in his ability to lead… Read More

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