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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

California Club for Growth – Blows It On Their First Slate

The California Club For Growth has included liberal Democrat Margaret Mims on their paid slate mailer just two weeks before the November election.  The liberal Mims, a candidate for Fresno County Sheriff, is opposed by Lincoln Club and Republican Central Committee endorsed Cal Minor in the upcoming election.

Mims also has the dubious distinction of opposing Proposition 85, and scored 100% on the Planned Parenthood voter guide.  Although the California Club for Growth, like the Lincoln Club, is primarily an economic based political action committee, the conservatives on its board should be embarrased to be associated with Mims in any way.

10 minutes of vetting would have avoided this embarrassing miscue, and CCG should take their vendor to task for selling the slate to the highest bidder rather than checking the facts first.  A visit to Mims website shows her endorsements, among them:

National Women’s Political Caucus
Clovis Democratic Club
Clovis Unaffiliated Employees Association
Fresno Democratic Women’s Club
Central Valley Progressive PAC
San Joaquin Valley Democratic Club
Mexican American Political Association

I write this not to embarrass CCG but to warn all organizations that if they want to have credibility at all, they’ve got to do the research themselves, not trust the money grubbing slate vendors.

This week, the Lincoln Club will be up on KMJ with a strong radio buy pulling the mask off of these misleading mailers, and encouraging listeners to visit for real recommendations, not bought and paid for by candidates.

Over 60,000 visitors have downloaded our voter guide, and by election day, it will be 100,000.  Not bad for our first ad campaign.  You won’t see any liberal Democrats on our Voter Guide.