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Brandon Powers

Kurzner Endorses Poizner

Bringing the race for California Insurance Commissioner full-circle, Steve Poizner just picked up the endorsement of Primary Challenger and all around classy guy, Dr. Phil Kurzner.

While the Primary race did increase in volume a few decibles, Phil nonetheless decided to bury the hatchet and lend his support to Steve’s ever-strengthening effort to beat Cruz Bustamante.

Phil sent over his thoughts to share with the FlashReport’s readers:

"Steve Poizner should be the next Insurance Commissioner of California. I have gotten to know Steve well over the past year. He has a rare combination of intelligence, integrity and commitment to helping the people of this great state. He has the ability to become an outstanding public servant. He and I share a commitment to the principles of the free market. Steve also demonstrates consistent common sense in his decisions. His qualifications for this office are extraordinary. On November 7th, please join me in electing Steve Poizner as Insurance Commissioner. The people of California deserve the best."