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Brandon Powers

Latest Polling: McClintock Up 4

The results of Public Opinion Strategies’ latest tracking poll is in, and it has Lt. Governor nominee Tom McClintock up 4-points.

The survey, conducted over the last few nights with a sample of 800, has Tom up 39-35 with 15% undecided.

Further, of those who’ve already voted, Tom’s up even bigger: 43-35.

And despite attacks against him, Tom’s overall image rating remains in the neighborhood of 3:1, with his negatives still in the teens.

Last, of those left undecided, Tom’s image rating stands higher than Garamendi’s.

Going down to the wire, Tom stands in a great position to win.

One Response to “Latest Polling: McClintock Up 4”

  1. Says:

    This is especially good news becuase of Public Opinion
    Strategies’ well-deserved reputation for accuracy.