It’s actually pretty disturbing that someone as far to the extreme left end of the ideological spectrum can continue to carry a false ‘image’ that she is some sort of moderate, thoughtful politician. Yet, that is apparently exactly what the general perceptions are of incumbent Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein. Of course, this image has been bolstered over the years as Republicans have continually, in their zeal to retire the other Democratic Senator from California, made Feinstein out to be ‘reasonable’. The reality is that the only major difference between Feinstein and Boxer is one of temperament — with DiFi being a bit more reserved and considerate in her approach to matters — with Barbara Boxer being more shrill and strident. Note that these are stylistic differences, not ideological ones.
In 2004, both Senators received a 4 out of 100 (with 100 being the most conservative) from the American Conservative Union, and in 2005, they both received a 12. The National Taxpayers Union, who also scores federal legislators, in 2005 gave Boxer a 12 and Feinstein a 13. In 2004, Feinstein ‘out liberaled Boxer’ with Feinstein getting a 14 and Boxer with 18. The Family Research Council gave both Senators a goose egg — 0 out of 100. So don’t believe anyone who tries to sell you on Dianne Feinstein being some sort of ‘reasonable’ person – like I said above, she is at the far-left extreme of the party of Hillary Clinton.
That said, perceptions are hard to change, and with DiFi’s strong numbers, recruiting a GOP candidate was a challenge. That said, I am proud that my good friend, and fellow former California Republican Assembly President Dick Mountjoy stepped up to the plate, and is our Republican Party nominee against the tax raising, abortion promoting, gun grabbing, gay marriage supporting, liberty hating socialist – Dianne Feinstein.
With just a handful of days between now and election day, it would probably take a minor miracle for Feinstein to lose her election. I have and will encourage everyone I know to cast a vote for Dick Mountjoy, but even with every FR reader doing that, it is likely to fall short of the needed push to carry Dick into the United States Senate.
That said, recently Dick asked all of his supporters to pray for him. I have done that, and I hope that you will, too.

October 27th, 2006 at 12:00 am
Can anyone tell me why the splashy CRP Voter Guide I got in the mail yesterday had absolutely NO mention of Dick Mountjoy, let alone the fact that there is a U.S. Senate seat up for grabs at all? Nor was there any mention of Prop. 90!
October 27th, 2006 at 12:00 am
You stole my thunder Alex. I guess since Arnold tacitly is supporting DiFi, his team probably strong armed the CRP not to include Dick in the mailer. I find it quite disgusting. With a Republican like Arnold, who needs Democrats.
October 28th, 2006 at 12:00 am
“With a Republican like Arnold, who needs Democrats.”
The CRP Board of Directors?