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47th Congressional Seat

Rep. Loretta Sanchez wasn’t worried a few months ago when she found out that Tan Nguyen was the GOP nominee in her 47th Congressional District.  Sanchez, the lone Democrat in Congress representing Orange County still had a double digit lead in registration and a strong following.

Flash forward to last week when a letter was sent to Latino voters telling them that immigrants can’t vote and that it is a crime if they do.  Here is the latest article on the mess.  Although Nguyen denies any connection to the letter it is assumed that he not only knew about it but even played a role in it mailing.

The whole debacle is no surprise to many of us who never understood Tan’s strategy (which included never hiring a consultant despite spending hundreds of thousands in personal money on the campaign).  Tan was a Democrat until he had to re-register to run against Loretta.  In fact, Tan ran as a DEMOCRAT against Rep. Dana Rohrabacher IN 2004!

It is my nature to find humor in almost any situation and Tan provides…

Here is the actual text of a mail piece from Tan’s campaign to voters:

Tan will represent all of us. That means Caucasians, Hispanics, Asians, Afro-Americans, Protestants, Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, Catholics, and all other peoples, not specifically designated who live in District 47.

Does anyone think like that anymore?  Is there anyone who reads that and actually thinks it belongs in print?  On a political piece of mail?