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Jon Fleischman

Live from the big Riverside County GOP Gala Dinner

**Update 11am Sunday:  Turns out that after I posted this via blackberry that I quickly discovered that the outgoing DA, Grover Trask, was not on hand — which probably also explains why DA-Elect Pacheco was also not there.  I did have a nice chat, though, with the County Assessor…**

I won’t steal the thunder of FR’s Riverside County Correspondent, Barry Nestande, by giving away too many details…okay maybe I might…

But Barry and I are both at the Cabazon Resort just west of Palm Springs where Riverside County GOP Chairman Jeff Miller is presiding over an amazing "Liberty Dinner" event for the county GOP.

The list of elected Republican officeholders tonight for this event that is a tribute to retiring legislators Russ Bogh, Ray Haynes and retiring District Attorney Grover Trask.

Besides Haynes and Bogh, present here tonight are their successors Kevin Jeffries and Paul Cook (the incoming DA Rod Pacheco is noticably absent), Congresswoman Mary Bono, Senators Jim Battin and Bob Dutton, Assemblymembers John Benoit and Bonnie Garcia (Miller presented Garcia with a $27,000 or so campaign contribution from the party!), and also on hand were State GOP Chairman Duf Sundheim and Vice-Chairman Ron Nehring. Representing the Statewide GOP ticket is Treasurer nominee Claude Parrish. San Bernardino County Supervisor and GOP Chairman Bill Postmus is hear with his entourage.

Congresswoman Bono has claimed the "best line of the evening" when she talked about how Senator Barbara Boxer has bought a second home in the Palm Springs area. She said that she is going to tell Boxer that the desert is a great in which to RETIRE!

I guess I did steal Barry’s post a bit, so we’ll let him add some keen insights from the night.

On a closing note on this entry, congratulations to longtime Riverside County activist Charlene Stover for being named the Riverside County Republican Party’s Volunteer of the Year!!

Oh yes, thanks to the many Riverside County GOPers who have endorsed and are working on my campaign for CRP Vice Chairman South – that election is mid-February.