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Strickland within Striking Distance

I have seen the numbers and they were good.

I just got the chance to review the internal polling numbers from the Strickland campaign for Controller.  Chiang and Strickland are polling very close.

The numbers also show that no one knows who either of them are, although a more voters know and like Strickland than Chiang.

Here are the numbers from the Oct. 15 – 18 tracking poll conducted by Public Opinion Strategies:

Chiang      29%
Strickland 26%

Never Heard of Chiang      78%
Never Heard of Strickland 74%

The poll was among 600 likely voters in CA which yields a margin of error of +/-4%.

Clearly Strickland is right there.

In such a Democratic state, why is the GOP candidate polling so well, so far along?

Strickland’s ballot title of Taxpayer Organization President is a major reason.  Plus while few people know him, even fewer know Chiang.

I even got the chance to see the cross tabulated results of the poll and the most interesting thing is that there is no category where Chiang blows Strickland away.  Typically the Dem gets a huge bump from women or younger voters or Election Day voters and that is not the case in this race.  In fact Strickland is beating Chiang in some of these categories.

With just weeks to go, this is a real race.  Typical, down ballot, little attention, race.

2 Responses to “Strickland within Striking Distance”

  1. Says:

    Did they subdivide the poll by ethnicity? I would be interested to see how Tony is doing among Asian Americans. My biggest fear with this campaign is that since voters haven’t heard of either, Chiang will gain an edge based on Democratic registration and Asian-American support.

  2. Says:

    Let’s see, in June the Strickland campaign announced that they were 3 points up. In September they said they were “neck and neck”. Now they brag that they are 3 points down. Come on, You Reeps can spin better than that.

    Look at the independent polls: Field had Chiang up by 11; LA Time had Chiang up by 6. Chiang is leading nearly 2 to 1 with Independents.