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Brandon Powers

Unions Letting Senate Seat Slip Away?

Back in June, the Democrats had a pretty heated race in the 34th Senate Primary. Assemblyman Tom Umberg, backed heavily by the unions lost to Supervisor Lou Correa, who had Senate President Don Perata on his side. Despite the General Election match-up with Assemblywoman Lyn Daucher being the hottest legislative race in the state, and the Republicans’ best chance at picking up a seat in either house, rumors persisted that Labor was going to sit this race out.

It would certainly appear that those were more than just rumors.

As is the case every year, the unions have sent out their Voter Guide, pitting the “little guy” against “the man,” and urging votes for a predictable lot of liberal politicians.

This version of the Union slate comes from Central Orange County. In addition to the pre-printed section which advocates for Angelides, Garamendi, Bowen, etc down the line, they also have a laser section which goes on to pushing for the guy who’s going to lose to Dana Rohrabacher, Measure M, and Assemblyman-to-be Jose Solario. They even have a laser spot for a Santa Ana Council candidate, Sal Tinajro.

What don’t they have? Any mention of Lou Correa.

Correa is being outspent, out-mailed, and out hustled by Daucher and her campaign team of Jim Nygren and Bryan Lanza. If it turns out that the Unions are indeed sitting this one out, which it appears they are, Correa’s finances, GOTV effort, and ultimately his chances at keeping this seat in the Dem column are severely diminished.

Front of Union Voter Guide
Back of Union Voter Guide