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Mike Spence

LA Court of Appeal Justices: How I’m voting

Nothing is more frustrating than the lack of information available about judges. I’ve already given the LA County Lincoln Club picks for LA Superior Court and told everyone to vote No on Supreme Court Justice Joyce Kennard. The same provision that allows us to vote on State Supreme Court Justices allows us to vote up or down Court of Appeals Justices. There is hardly any information.

Outside of LA, CRA has recommended a NO vote on Kathleen O’Leary- an extreme Davis appointee in the Orange, San Diego and Inland Empire area. As for LA I (not CRA)  make the following recommendations.

But, First the method to my madness. I looked at their bios. If you were a Brown and Davis appointee–easy no. Deukmejian, Wilson served in Reagan Administartion, —  yes. The current Governor of course is wobbler on these things. So if you were a Democrat, Brown appointee and then elevated by Arnold- More Likely No. I also tried to look at cases. The list is the best I could do. So if you know something I don’t please let me know. I’m known for having an open mind.

Mallano NO
Rothschild NO
Boren YES
Chavez YES
Kitching YES
Aldrich YES
Epstein YES
Willhite YES
Manella NO
Mosk (although DEM Dad was good on parental consent) NO
Kreigler YES
Gilbert NO
Perluss NO
Woods YES
Zelon NO
Cooper NO
Flier NO

Good Luck