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Jon Fleischman

We need 90 – Who takes someone’s home to build a theme park?

The Proposition 90 Campaign to end the abuse of ’eminent domain’ by government entities has launched a new televisions spot.  It’s a powerful one that makes the message clear as it takes us into the living room of a family (to the left) who almost lost their home to a government taking — so that a developer could build an amusement park on their property!  Check out the ad, linked below, or on the Yes on 90 Website.
Assemblywoman Mimi Walters, the Chairman of the Yes on 90 Campaign, needs your help, so go to the website and do what you can.  If you are a GOP volunteer, your GOTV materials will say Yes on 90 as that is the official position of the California Republican Party!

One Response to “We need 90 – Who takes someone’s home to build a theme park?”

  1. Says:

    I urge everyone to read Pacific Research Institute’s pamphlet on Proposition 90 written by Steven Greenhut. It gives examples of eminent domain and regulatory takings abuse in California and makes a clear case for reform.