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Duane Dichiara

Who Are These People?

Conservatives for Correa? Rumor is a group of disenchanted Republican “Conservatives” are joining together in order to form an organization called “Conservatives for Correa”. Note to prospective members of this new and wonderful club: you are now entering the realm of what the Communist Party Bosses used to call “Useful Fools”.

But before I start digging let me make the following disclosure: I worked in and around the Assembly for the whole of the time Lynn Daucher served. She is probably the one Republican member I can state without reservation that I have exchanged almost no social time with. I spent a couple of hours with her on 9-11 (which hardly drew the kind of banter where you get to know someone’s cut) and maybe a few words here or there. To me, for the most part, she is literally just votes on a list.

And so is Correa. I couldn’t (and hopefully won’t have to) pick him out of a line-up. Just votes on a list. And watching those votes over the years I’ll argue without hesitation that while I disagree with Assemblywoman Daucher from time to time, and maybe more often than that, there is in my mind no question – I’d rather have Lynn Daucher voting than Correa.

I hate to be the one always breaking out voting records in Orange County… but here goes… with just my memory and 15 minutes on the computer… like my grandfather says ‘let’s cut this fish open and see if it stinks’:

AB 95, AB 1777, SB 53, SB 1103: All of these bills had an amendment attached to them that would prohibit Medi-Cal funds from being used to pay for a unmarried, non-emancipated minor girl to receive an abortion unless the doctor sought consent from the minor’s parent or guardian. Correa voted to table the amendments, thus tabling parental notification. Daucher voted in favor of each of these amendments.

AB 1475: Provides that current laws prohibiting harassment of employees shall apply to religious corporations, with respect to their operation of non-religious health care facilities. Correa voted to silence religious voices who didn’t agree with the liberal agenda. Daucher voted no.

AB 25: Expands rights and eligibility for domestic partners. Correa abstained.

AB 2862: Undermines marriage and the will of the voters expressed in the passage of the “Defense of Marriage Act.” Correa voted to undermine the voters and support the homosexual agenda, Daucher voted no.

AB 205: Gives same-sex couples who register as domestic partners broad new legal rights similar to those enjoyed by married couples. Correa aye, Daucher no.

According to an article in the Orange County Register, Correa opposed Prop 22 – the ban on gay marriage, Daucher supported it.

Well that’s a few minutes work and I’m sure there’s more but it’s the middle of the campaign season and my clients get mad if I let the phone ring and ring while typing these things out. As a closing comment I’d just note: over the years we’ve seen any number of useful fools’ willing to create a “Republicans for (pick the Democrat)” or a “Conservatives for (pick the liberal)”. I’ve yet to see any good come to the name of the folks who are willing to embarrass themselves, their party, and their ideology with this type of foolishness.

One Response to “Who Are These People?”

  1. Says:

    I believe the term was “useful idiots” but point well taken. fool, idiot…tomato, tomawto. all the same to me.