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Jennifer Nelson

Experimenting with Children

The gay and lesbian community in San Francisco is up in arms, according to the San Francisco Chronicle, because of a comment KGO radio talk show host Pete Wilson (and KGO TV anchor) made yesterday on air.  Wilson was discussing the fact that Supervisor Bevan Duffy, an openly gay man, and his roommate, Rebecca Goldfader, a lesbian, are co-parenting a newborn.  The baby was born last week.  The two, who are not in a romantic relationship with each other, live in separate units in a duplex and share parenting duties.  KGO-TV reported the story on Oct. 9th.

On yesterday’s radio show, Wilson said, “The Duffy-Goldfader baby is, in my mind, a travesty.  Or a potential travesty.  Perhaps that’s a better way of saying it.”  He said later, “As some point there is a limit to how far we stretch the self-indulgent search for the alternative that we have been involved in the last 30 or 40 years in this country.” 

Wilson is exactly right.  Adults can do what they want with their odd life choices, but when you bring a child into the mix, it is all different.  Children deserve to be brought into a family where the father and mother are in a committed relationship.  Duffy and Goldfader have a friendship, not a committed relationship.  What happens when one or both of them bring partner into the household?  Now the child is at the will of four adults who have no bond to each other.

Later in the show, Wilson said, "I know it’s going to get me in trouble in terms of political correctness, but I don’t care."

Assemblyman Mark Leno and Supervisor Tom Ammiano are demanding that Wilson apologize, which is ridiculous.  As a talk show host, Wilson discusses routinely discusses social and political issues of the day.  Wilson should stand his ground and not apologize.